1 Monat Supremium
EUR 20.00
Join Priority, Join-ME, Nick Rights & Silent Lobby
- + ALL permissions and benefits of the PREMIUM RANK and even higher JOIN Priority. You can even get into the most popular maps in the last second before the round starts
- + You receive exclusive ACCESS to the SILENTLOBBY so that you can withdraw
- + You receive the NICK RIGHTS to be able to play completely UNINTERRUPTED
- + You can execute a /JOINME three times a day and invite other players to your server
Visual Highlighting
- + Your NAME now has a LIGHT BLUE COLOR on the server
- + You have the EXCLUSIVE "Suprem" PREFIX in front of your name on the server
- + When you spawn in a lobby, you receive a particle effect
- + You can choose between 8 DIFFERENT COLORS for your GG at the end of a round with /color
- + You get your own DIAMOND SHOES in the GOMMUNITY
In CITYBUILD, you will not only receive the many Premium benefits, but additionally these benefits:- + Send colored chat messages
- + /plot fly command to give ALL players on your plot permission to fly
- + Bold and colored lettering on signs
- + /wall command to change the walls of your plot with one click
- + /floor command to quickly change the floor of your plot
- + /rename command to rename your items
- + /settime realtime command to adjust the ingame time to the real time
- + /plot title command to welcome other players to your plot
- + /plot setweather command to set the weather on your plot
- + /repair command to repair an item with Mending once per hour
- + /plot bossbartext command to create a custom bossbar on your plot
- + /plot online command to see who is online on your plot
- + 50 instead of 15 plot players
- + 5% discount on the purchase and merging of plots
- + The option to track your last plot visitors
- + Automatic messages in trade chat
- + Better content in the Daily and Weekly Chest
- + The opportunity to fly in the center of the CityBuild lobby
- + Three extra guild slots
- + An additional /warp
- + The option to sign in color and in the second line
- + Reduced /sign(2 instead of 3 days) and /skull cooldown(3 instead of 7 days)
- + Five additional /home's
- + Take on a second job
- + The possibility to use hexadecimal colors in the chat and on signs
- + A monthly Supremium chest
- + An exclusive Supremium particle effect (Trail)
- + 2 additional production slots for talismans
- + 16.5% less production costs for talismans
- + Up to 33% less combination costs for talismans
- + You receive a permanent booster of 100% while you are online
- + You have 4 profile slots at your disposal
- + You can save up to 2,000 boosters per profile
- + You get access to your own private farming cave
Additional benefits & permissions
- + You can fly in the lobby
- + You can fly in the Gommunity in the flyzone behind the spawn
- + You can use 3 lines for /SETSTATUS
- + You can USE the FORCEMAP FEATURE 7 times a day in BedWars
Party & Friends and Clan System
- + Your XXL PARTY now holds 64 PLAYERS
- + You can add DOUBLE as many (1000) PLAYERS to your FRIEND LIST
- + You increase the number of PLAYER SLOTS in your CLAN by 5 with your RANK
- + You can now send 5 broadcast messages per day to your friends/favorites
Private Server & Replays
- + You can also start your own PRIVATE GAMESERVER on the network via /ps or /privateserver and manage rounds there
- + You can use the /start command on your private server
- + You can SET SETTINGS for the game on your private server (e.g. in SkyWars)
- + You can play a selection of OLD GAME MODES via the private servers
- + TROLOLOL: You can troll the players on your own game server with /troll
- + You can SAVE up to 42 REPLAYS
Coin System
- + You can pick up a FREE CHEST for EVERY day
- + You receive EXCLUSIVELY more FREE COINS with the "Daily Reward"
- + You can draw one COINBOMB per day in the "Daily Reward" EXCLUSIVELY
- + You receive a HYPETRAIN and a DIAMOND BOMB every week
- + You BOOST the number of coins YOU and EVERY PLAYER gets at the end of a game by up to 10%

With Supremium you can always play with your friends and don't have to wait, to join a gameserver or the network. Also you become an active donator that makes our community possible <3
✔ Guaranteed immediate delivery
✔ eMail Support
✔ Secure payment processing
✔ Leading MC network in Europe
✔ 99%+ Uptime in last 11 years