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MoneyMaker Booster XL

EUR 20.00

Booster increase the production of gold in MoneyMaker by a fixed percentage. You can activate them once for a specific period of time.
By purchasing this package, you get the following boosters for money maker. Each of these boosters can be activated once.

  • - 4x income booster +200% for 24 hours
  • - 2x income booster +1000% for 1 hour
  • - 2x income booster +2000% for 30 minutes
  • - 2x income booster +5000% for 10 minutes
  • - 2x income booster +10000% for 5 minutes
  • - 1x income booster +100000% for 2 minutes

The boosters will then be available on your currently selected profile.

After purchasing the package, you can activate the different boosters using the "booster item" in your inventory on your mine.
MoneyMaker Booster XL

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